During the summer of 2022, Indy Knitware made the decision to move from Greenfield, IN to the Schwarz corporate office in Carmel, IN. The move was a big ask. There were lots of steps and required IT support from all verticals. When big projects like these arise, the PMO steps in to help the business and IT colleagues succeed.

For this particular project, the PMO gathered the requirements from the business and IT colleagues to create a project plan following a strict timeline of October 2022.

The first step of the project was to virtualize Indy Knitware’s environment and remove all physical servers from the site. New servers were purchased for the Indy Knitware team and install in the Data Center downtown Indianapolis. After the servers were installed, the team had to install Poly and move all documents over to the new servers. From there, we had to run drops in the new space and cutover the network.

Overall, the project was highly successful due to the great effort of each and every team inside IT.


  • Digital Transformation
  • Help Desk
  • IT Operations
  • Networks
  • PMO

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